We take the future personally

At MEGA, Sustainable Development is a conscious commitment that stems from our own principles and values. That is why we have been leading the way for decades creating the ‘’sensitive concept’’, choosing cotton and avoiding plastic as the skin contact topsheet of all of our basic products. We contribute to improved living standards with sensitive, […]

Sustainable development has been our priority for years

At MEGA S.A, for decades, we develop products friendly to the skin, but also to the environment. We consider that environmental protection is the biggest challenge for the coming decades. Our focus is on creating positive impacts on key environmental challenges such as: Tackling Climate Emergency, Pumping Natural Resources, the increased rate of biodiversity loss, […]

Act Green Program

Our non-negotiable path to sustainability is followed by all our products and their production processes. With MEGA’s “Act Green Program: Redesign – Reduce – Recycle”, we raise the bar once again! Environmental initiatives of Act Green Program per pillar:

Alignment with the global Sustainable Development Objectives

MEGA recognizes the importance of “Agenda 2030”, aligning its objectives (both in the short and long term), its actions and strategy with the 17 global Sustainable Development Objectives. MEGA systematically monitors performance and presents progress in the annual Sustainable Development Report. Through the “Act Green: Redesign – Reduce – Recycle” program, MEGA promotes sustainable development, […]

Iasi- Environmentally friendly designed

Iasi products have been produced for years with a design that is proven to be friendly for the skin and are designed with respect to the environment. More specifically They are produced in MEGA’s factory, that has obtained the Green Certificate which confirms that the electricity consumed comes from 100% green energy sources.MEGA received the […]

Joint efforts for a sustainable future

States-Companies-People, we make a chain for the protection of the environment. We must commit ourselves to good environmental practices and work together, hand-to-hand, to ensure a sustainable future! The effort for sustainable development is a battle that we need to give together as one.       UN States Many states have set the cyclical economy […]